Acuerdo de estudios

Learning agreement

The template for the learning agreement provides sending and host schools with a structure and a list of the minimum information to be included. The schools may decide to expand it to suit the specific requirements of their education systems.

1. Data on the pupil mobility period and contact details:
Name of pupil: xxxxxxxxx
Date of birth: xxxxxxxxx
Mobility period (from/to): 25/8 – 25/11 2010
Total duration (in months):3 months
Name and address of sending school:IES Cid Campeador
Name of contact teacher responsible for the execution of this learning agreement — sending school:

Name and address of host school:Rungsted Gymnasium
Name of mentor/contact teacher responsible for the execution of this learning agreement — host school:

Contact details (telephone and e-mail):
Pia Reindel

Rungsted Gymnasium: tlf. +45 45 86 33 11
Tlf. +45 45 41 04 64

2. General aims of the mobility period:
This section can be taken/adapted from the application form submitted by the sending school to its National Agency.

Develop the idea of European citizenship
To learn about the Danish culture
To make deep the schools collaboration
To work the selfconfidence of our students
To develop social skills
To learn other school system
To develop languaje Skills
To work with new technologies

3. Specific aims:
What do you expect the pupil to achieve in the following areas?
-foreign language learning
-academic skills (possibly in relation to individual subjects)
-project work (e.g. linked with the topic of the Comenius Partnership or another form of school cooperation)
-other knowledge and competences

4. Class attendance:

Host class/es Gr 1a (b, c, d, e, f, v, x): 33 lessons a week

2g (possibly)
Compulsory subjects to be studied in the host school (if possible, specify for each subject the number of lessons per week) English: 3 lessons per week the first ½ year and 4 lessons the second ½ year
Spanish/ French: 3-4 lessons per week each one
Sports: 2 lessons per week
Media: 4 lessons per week
History: 3 lessons per week
Geography: 4 lessons per week
Mathematics: 4 lessons per week
Exemption from lessons in the host school (please specify the subject and the duration of the exemption)

5. Special activities (if applicable) such as:

-individual assignment (nature, workload)
-self study (nature, workload)
-language courses (workload)
-work placement (duration, place)
-contacts with ‘home class’ in the sending school (frequency, type of contact)
-music, culture, sport, etc.

Contact with home class: every week
Self study : curriculum “home class”
Music and cultural activities

6. Assessment of progress

Interview Nature of assessment (test, interview, portfolio, statements from teachers etc.) Person in charge of assessment. TUTOR Schedule of the assessment
During the stay (host school):
Pia Reindel

At the end of the stay (host school):
Pia Reindel

After completion of the stay (sending school) : INTERVIEW